Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Diving Sport Essays - Caving Equipment, Sports Clothing,

Diving Sport "There you are, totally weightless, quietly soaring just above the sea floor with only the smallest amount of physical exertion. Small fish come out of their holes to look at you. How about that? You are the curiosity. You are the thing that does not belong. Perhaps this is why you dive. You are taking part in exploring man's last ecological frontier. The very thought would excite anyone whose blood still flows in his veins. The diver is the observer, he looks at everything he can. He totally forgets the outside world" (Reseck 4). When I first read this piece, I got goosebumps. For years man has explored this vast universe, spending millions of dollars, and only making a tiny scratch on its surface. For me, to be able to explore a world completely different from mine sounds like an opportunity of a lifetime. When I had to choose a topic for my senior project, scuba diving was the most compelling of all. This paper is about the development and use, the techniques, and the physiological concerns of scuba diving. Man underwater dates all the way back to the Iliad, but sports diving for fun and for a profession is fairly new. If one has ever been underwater, he should know that breathing is impossible. In the early 1940's, Jaques Yves-Cousteau, a Frenchman, developing something that is now a very important asset to scuba diving. It is known to us as a "regulator." The regulator conserved air by releasing only the amount of air the Korell 2 diver needed to breathe. This increased the time the diver could stay down on one tank of air to about one hour if he were in shallow depths. Cousteau's regulator was simple and inexpensive and marked the beginning of the sport of scuba diving. The sport grew somewhat slowly through the late 40's and early 50's because, although the diver could now stay underwater for an extended period of time, in most parts of the world the water was so cold that he was forced to leave the water after a short time (Reseck 16). In the early 1950's, rubber suits were designed. They were used to keep the diver warm. These old "dry suits" were worn over long underwear and sweat suits or sweaters. The clothing acted as an insulator, and the rubber suit was used to simply keep the insulation dry. But when the easily punctured "dry suits" were torn, the insulation became wet, thus causing the insulation to be ineffective. But a new suit, called the "wet suit" was invented. The wet suit actually strapped a thin layer of water next to the diver's body, which soon heated up to body temperature and acted as insulation. Nowadays, foam neoprene is used for all wet suits. When the demand for wet suits increased, manufacturers developed the standard small, medium, and large sizes. As the market continued to grow, the neoprene material was improved by making it softer and more flexible. A backing was also added on the neoprene to increase its durability and service. The market grew larger still, and ready made suits came in extra small, small, medium, medium large, large, and extra large sizes. Today, almost anyone can walk into a store and come out with a good suit that fits (Reseck 17). Korell 3 Scuba diving can be very dangerous and, if not approached safely, one must know the precautions and dangers before jumping into water to dive. There are several ways to dive underwater. One way is the Pike Surface dive. Start from a prone position on the surface. Sweep both arms back toward the hips at the same time and bend sharply at the hips so that the head and trunk point directly toward the bottom of the pool. With palms facing forward, bring the arms up forcibly, in line with the head, and lift both legs--straight and together--out of the water so that they, too, form a straight line with the body. Let the weight of the legs force the body to submerge. Do not kick until the feet are below the surface, then either kick for greater depth or straighten out for an underwater swim (Counsilman and Drinkwater 29). Another dive is the Feet First dive. Tread water over the spot where the dive is to be made. Raise the body out of the water with a strong kick and a downward push with the hands and arms. Then straighten legs, point toes, and raise the arms overhead.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery An earlier article in this document explored the writing of argumentative essays. The present article will rely on the guidelines provided earlier to present a sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery. Beauty has always enjoyed great value in every society, irrespective of the conservative traditions that may prevail in that society. Right from childhood, human beings are taught that a beautiful person always has a prize attached to the beauty. This explains why children exhibit an unconsciousness tendency to describe awesome experiences as being beautiful. In ancient African societies, the embracing of beauty was seen in some communities painting their faces with bright colors. Among the Maasai of Kenya, for example, red ochre was used to paint the face. The trend of appreciating beauty took a different twist as time went by. The Indians pioneered the art of doing nose lifts. It was perceived that women with pointed noses were more appealing to the male generation. Other cu ltures aped this art, and the practice of face lifting and organ firming developed. In the modern world, the term â€Å"plastic surgery† is not new, especially with the rise to fame of the deceased rock musician, Michael Jackson. Recently, plastic surgery has gained substantial recognition among the enlightened generation. Numerous television programs that expose the masses to a hitherto secretive affair boost this. Thanks to plastic surgery, a person can find a lasting solution to certain bodily flaws that are perceived as threatening one’s success in a professional field. The proponents of plastic surgery argue that it greatly assists in enhancing a person’s confidence together with vitality. If you view a typical television show about plastic surgery, you will notice a common principle suggesting that an unhappy individual only needs a surgical operation to turn him or her into a magical success story. However, you have to realize that plastic surgery only bestows temporary confidence. The truth is a cosmetic surgical procedure requires regular maintenance, which means that a series of operations is necessary. Moreover, plastic surgery gives a person unrealistic expectations. He or she goes into the surgical room expecting to come out a transformed individual who will attract others’ positive attention. On the contrary, plastic surgery is a mere illusion in which the person wrongly thinks he/she has acquired more self-esteem. This is gauged by the supposed approval that other people show about the new appearance. Conversely, in most cases, people are driven to seek cosmetic surgery by their spouses or colleagues. It is perfectly understandable to have a desire of remaining youthful. Nevertheless, there are myriad healthy ways of maintaining radiant skin. Instead of opting for a potentially life-threatening superficial operation, why not eat natural foods and exercise regular ly? Besides, there is absolutely no point why you should be moved to such extents by the viewpoints of people who apparently do not value your inner beauty. The true satisfaction in life is achieved when an individual discovers his or her personal identity. Real happiness comes when people embrace their diversities. is committed to provide students with custom argumentative essays about Plastic Surgery. All you need is to place an order at our site!